Indian head massage is massage to the upper back, shoulders, neck and head. This is a non-invasive massage and can be done over clothes if you wish.
I qualified to offer Indian Head massage in 2005 after completing a year hands on fully comprehensive practical & theoretical course. I now use this wonderful ancient form of massage, alongside my extensive knowledge of the body from years as a yoga teacher, to really help to get to the bottom of a whole host of common complaints:
- Very successful in reducing headaches & migraine
- works with relieving and healing stress, emotional & physical tension, upper body muscular pain, upper body joint discomfort, and so much more .
The majority of physical tensions in the human body are held in the upper back shoulders, neck head and face, and these are precisely the areas that IHM targets. it is a wonderfully relaxing treatment as most our sensory organs are located in the head so, it is particularly good for stress relief.
You do not have to have any conditions to take treatments, but if you do, it yields great results for many things, such as: Sleep disorders, hair and scalp conditions, Sinus clearing and lymphatic drainage. It is particularly successful for headache and migraine sufferers, and has great results over the years for those with regular treatments. It also stimulates the immune system to help the body fight illness and injury naturally, and much more… including, of course; back pain…. read on.
BACK PAIN: It helps with flexibility of the neck and Shoulders and upper back tensions. Sometimes the case with back pain issues in any area of the back, is that it can often stem from the tight upper back regions where stress is stored. Stress affects the upper body tensions hugely, which has a knock-on effect through the entire back.
However, you don’t have to have to be suffering from any of the above. Just simply treat yourself to a wonderfully relaxing experience!
£30per person per treatment, 1 hour needed.
Gift vouchers also available.