
Meditation and developing spirituality and what this means.

If you are interested in Meditation, I teach a once-monthly group for a small gathering of just 10, to aid effective learning and progress. Entry depends on space availability.
You must also have done yoga for at least 6 months and be current in classes OR have previously attended classes for at least 6 months.

Meditation group

my yogaOne of the main aims of Asana Practice is to get the body into such a condition to be able to sit comfortably for meditation. This is why yoga is often depicted by someone in Padmasana – the lotus position.

Each session is a guided meditation and/or visualisation using various techniques. Each class is different and we look at using the power of meditation to help with the many things life throws at us.

The Basic purpose of meditation is to release tensions of the mind. Tensions are not just physical. When the mind is tense, we often find we have relentless thoughts, worry and anxieties, trouble sleeping, and going about our work and day to day activities. Meditation is a tried, medically & scientifically studied practice to mental well-being and has been practised for thousands of years. With continued practice, a greater and deeper sense of peace will prevail leading to a richer connection within and with all things. Feeling happier and more connected to living life.

The feeling and energy created in these sessions leaves everyone bouncing out the door

Sessions are once-monthly on Thursday evenings.
Each session lasts 1 hour from 7.30pm.

lotus flower