All human beings have a place inside which is filled with treasures; be still and you will find it.
Category Archives: Thought for the month
Attachment is when the thread of my intellect gets sewn into the story of others.
When I am attached to people, situations or ideas
I lose the clarity of my own inner world and inner experience.
This outward focus links my thinking so closely to others that I am no longer aware of the respectful space between myself and everything around me.
It’s time to create respectful space in my life, for me.
Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
Eternal Star
There is a part of you that is perfect and pure. It is untouched by the less-than-perfect characteristics you have acquired by living in a less than perfect world. This part of you is a still and eternal star. Make time to reach it and this will bring you untold benefit.
Remain connected with the spirit
Ego is any false image I hold of myself. To consider myself to be a body is the oldest, deepest ego. When the body breaks down I am faced with thinking “I am no longer competent, capable or able”.
However, when I remember that the body is the vehicle for the soul, I can conquer this subtle ego and remain capable and competent independent of the state of the body. It’s time to conquer the false image of myself as a body and remain connected with the spirit driving the body.
It will help experience better through the eyes of an athlete. If time permits, it’s valuable to see this 20 minutes absolutely breath-taking true story entitled “You Are Not Your Body”
If the mind is light you will feel carefree, no matter how the body feels.
When I stop giving & taking sorrow, that’s when true peace can be experienced.
In order not to give sorrow, I need a clear heart that has no ill-feelings towards others.
In order not to take sorrow, I need a big heart that can tolerate discomfort and help other souls getting over their weaknesses.
It’s time to make a commitment to the self to neither give or take sorrow.
BK Publications
Love is pure, yet sometimes we question the very words, not believing, seeing something other than the simplicity of what is there – especially if from an unexpected source?
Loves heals when all seems broken
Love melts away pain and anger
Love is infinite.. yet sometimes we may feel we don’t have enough – The only barriers are the ones in your mind
Love is easy.. Yet we make it so complicated, protecting our hearts! They never break just get stronger
Love is unconditional… yet we often apply condition.. Is this love?
We all need love…you must give it … and just enjoy it when it comes.. it will always come back
We love in different ways – the love of a parent, a child, friends, the love of life, the love of something in your life because love is a feeling
Love is the greatest teacher, just pay attention and listen
Tell someone you love them
Secrets to Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination is not only the thief of time, it is the creator of subtle inner tension. You know you are cheating yourself. There are three secrets to overcoming procrastination.
One, don’t wait till you feel like doing it – the feeling will come when you start doing it.
Two, list all the things you have to do and then prioritise the list.
Three, create a vision of the result and be motivated by the vision of the outcome, not the thought of the process.
Taken form BK Publications.